School Leaders Project Webinar Podcast with Toddle

I thoroughly enjoyed this chat with Cindy Blackburn, Director of Learning and Engagement with Toddle. Cindy hosts guests on the School Leaders Podcast, a series of vibrant conversations on a variety of educational topics. In this episode, the very first of the series, we unpacked assessment, the tail that wags the dog (or the force that shapes the teaching).

As leaders, we often feel tension around assessment. How do we balance meeting external metrics and requirements while staying aligned to our schools’ values and beliefs about how students learn best? In this masterclass of a podcast, Trevor Mackenzie shares stories and strategies for keeping students and learning at the center of our assessment practices. We focus on your role as a leader to model and cultivate a culture of assessment.
— Cindy Blackburn

Since it went live in May, 2023, this little conversation has almost 5000 views. If you have the time please consider watching it and leaving me a comment below. You can sign up to access all of the School Leaders Podcast here. Enjoy!

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