Student Voice Infused Assessment: Planning

This year I finally listened to my students and what they had been saying for years. I heard their voice and decided to do something about it. It led to one small change that made a great impact on my teaching, my students’ learning, and, perhaps most importantly, our emotional and mental wellbeing.

One small change made a great impact on my teaching, my students’ learning, and, perhaps most importantly, our emotional and mental wellbeing.

It began with one conversation we had at the start of the year around wellness. I always focus on building a culture of trust founded on relationship throughout the first weeks of class. I take my time getting into a course so that we, collectively, set the stage for learning. I asked my students to tell me about the worries of being a student and any stress that they felt they were under. My intention was to let them know I care about more than their marks, that I care about them as people, emotionally and mentally healthy people at that.

The conversation was lively! I was incredibly thankful for their honesty and vulnerability. Some of what they shared was:

  • We have too much on our plates.

  • Sometimes I have a quiz or test every day of the week.

  • We are stressed out to the max.

  • Sometimes if I know there’s nothing due in class, I’ll skip that class to study for something I have due in another class.

  • And finally: why don’t teachers communicate with one another and plan their due dates and test days together?

So I decided to do something about it. I decided that I needed to commit myself to helping my students navigate our hectic system because the system itself was not going to change for us.

I invested in a desktop calendar (thanks Mel!), the old school tearaway kind that allows you to write and plan out your month at a glance at your desk. Rather than use these on my desk to help me plan out my weeks and months ahead, I would hang them on our classroom wall and ask student to help plan our time together with a specific eye on assessments and due dates. I provided sticker dots and proposed that students stick one on days that they are busy, that they have a quiz or test in another class, that they have an assignment due, or that they just anticipate would be a stressful time. This is what a few months looks like:

I told them that our obligation, together, would be to plan our work and assessments around the busyness and stress that we would see surface in the calendars. We adopted due date windows rather than a specific due date. What are due date windows? As opposed to me selecting a due date that meets my needs as the educator planning out the year and units of study, I would ask students to turn in their assessments within a span of time (typically a week) that would allow them to plan their workflow according to how busy their own individual week was and in the process better meet their needs.

This shift proved transformational. As the yer progressed we witnessed several benefits emerge:

  1. My marking load became manageable. Rather than taking in an entire class of assessments on one day, my marking became more of a constant trickle throughout the due date window. It was something I would tackle each day with an energy that allowed me to provide clear and timely feedback to each student.

  2. My students appreciated that they could prioritize their studying and workflow. Some classes do a lot of quizzes and tests. Some do a lot of project work. Some do a lot of public speaking and presenting. By giving my students agency over their due dates in our class I was actually giving them agency over being successful in their learning across all of their classes.

  3. We all felt better. We all reflected that our class was the least stressful of all of the classes in our schedule. Students shared that they are often asked in school about their stress levels and how they are feeling but rarely is anything done about it. In this case, being asked actually led to some changes that impacted their wellbeing. How cool is that?

Consider how you can make this shift in your own classroom. Providing voice in assessment seems like a huge shift but it doesn’t need to be. Talk with your students about their learning and their wellbeing. Provide time on the important stuff first, that students feel honoured and safe in learning. Trust me, amazing stuff awaits!

Data We Collect vs Data We SHOULD Collect. Where are you?

Data We Collect vs Data We SHOULD Collect. Where are you?

Recently I tweeted the above image and within a single day it was retweeted and liked over 2000 times.  That’s something.  Could you imagine if your students tweeted something from your lesson to this extent?  Or if your principal or employer gave you that many kudos for something you shared?  Needless to say I think the notion the image suggests around the role of data in education struck a chord with my PLN and I’d like to take this opportunity to grapple with why I think this is the case.

Inquiry Myth #8 - It Doesn't Belong in Every Classroom

Inquiry Myth #8 - It Doesn't Belong in Every Classroom

At the high school level inquiry should belong in each subject area. What I mean by this is a Physics inquiry should be innately tied to the conceptual understandings and big ideas of the Physics curriculum. In the same way, a Chemistry inquiry should reflect the conceptual understandings and big ideas of the Chemistry curriculum. Whatever the subject, inquiry reframes what we teach with a focus on how we teach it. It is not a setting dependent pedagogy.

Inquiry Myth #5 - Chocolate Cake for Dinner - AGAIN!!

Inquiry Myth #5 - Chocolate Cake for Dinner - AGAIN!!

There is a common misconception that in inquiry students will always explore and even return to topics of little worldly relevance, depth of meaning, or conceptual understanding. I often hear concerns around video games as a topic for young boys and what of relevance or curricular connections can be made to such a topic.

And this is a valid concern. We know how critical literacy and numeracy as building blocks to lifelong learning and predictors of success.

I have several thoughts on the matter but for now I’ll boil it down to one.

Inquiry Myth #4 - Inquiry is a "Hot Mess Express!"

Inquiry Myth #4 - Inquiry is a "Hot Mess Express!"

My co-author of Inquiry Mindset, the amazing Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt, always draws a smile to my face when she speaks about inquiry and how, with kindergarten students, it can be a “hot mess express”. I imagine a steam train plunging down a railway with dust and debris bellowing from its windows leaving a wake of destruction in its path. And although this may occur from time to time it is certainly not the norm. Inquiry isn’t messy nor is it out of control. Inquiry teachers strike a balance between letting experiences unfold and mindfully reining things in so it’s not a “hot mess express.”

Inquiry Myth #3 - Without Limits or Parameters

Inquiry Myth #3 - Without Limits or Parameters

One of the talents of the inquiry teacher is their ability to provide voice and choice while simultaneously teaching to their curriculum and mandated learning objectives. They accomplish this by framing lessons and units of study with access points for all learners. These access points are more than differentiating learning. These access points connect to each students’ wonder and curiosity and provide a start point into learning that is highly relevant. It’s in this relevance that inquiry thrives.

How do you strike a balance between student wonder and your curriculum?